Digital skills
for everyday business
HOGA like
Quality needs knowledge
Center of Vocational Excellence
Brandenburg Hospitality
service quality is no secret
Insecia Training
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Registration Desk
DEHOGA Brandenburg - Brandenburg hospitality digital
DEHOGA Brandenburg - Brandenburg hospitality digital
Course categories
e-tourism - Digital Skills for Small-Medium (SMEs) TouRISM enterprises
Tour2Include - Migrant´s Integration into Tourismus-related Professions
TourX - Transnational Center of Vocational Excellence
TourX - Transnational Center of Vocational Excellence / TourX & DEHOGA Brandenburg - Center of Vocational Excellence
TourX - Transnational Center of Vocational Excellence / TourX Innovation Hub
TourX - Transnational Center of Vocational Excellence / TourX Knowledge Base - Tourism strategies at national, regional and local level
TourX - Transnational Center of Vocational Excellence / TorX Knowlwdge Base - Reports and position papers on vocational education and training and securing skilled labour in Germany
DEHOGA Brandenburg - Brandenburg hospitality digital
DEHOGA Brandenburg - HOGA like digital
DEHOGA Brandenburg & pro agro - Regionally served
DIGIMENTUM Train the Tutor - Digital teaching and learning with moodle
DIGIMENTUM Digital Skills
DIGIMENTUM Digital Skills / Software for destinations, hotels and restaurants
DIGIMENTUM Professional Skills
DIGIMENTUM Workshops - Digitalization and automation
DIGIMENTUM Social Skills
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BRANDENBURGER GASTLICHKEIT - Servicequalität als Schlüssel zum Erfolg
BRANDENBURGER GASTLICHKEIT - Servicekette und Mystery Check
Der Mystery Check der BRANDENBURGER GASTLICHKEIT - Grundlagen für die Tester
1. Videocast "Servicequalität - BRANDENBURGER GASTLICHKEIT"
2. Videocast "Die neuen Digitalservices - BRANDENBURGER GASTLICHKEIT"
3. Videocast "Marketing kann was bewegen - BRANDENBURGER GASTLICHKEIT"
4. Videocast "Beschwerdemanagement, wichtiges Element der Servicekette - BRANDENBURGER GASTLICHKEIT"
5. Videocast "Zertifizierung der Servicequalität - BRANDENBURGER GASTLICHKEIT"
6. Videocast "Das Firmenporträt auf dem Portal - BRANDENBURGER GASTLICHKEIT"
7. Videocast "Digitalcheck & Digitale Reputation - Elemente der BRANDENBURGER GASTLICHKEIT"
Das Firmenporträt auf dem Onlineportal der BRANDENBURGER GASTLICHKEIT